Zanima me, kakšen bi bil primeren prevod za COARSE-GRAINED/FINE-GRAINED v sledečih primerih:
"How readers interpret the variable should depend on their preferred theory
of action individuation. Donald Davidson writes: “I flip the switch, turn on the light, and illuminate the room.
Unbeknownst to me I also alert a prowler to the fact that I am home” (1980, p. 4). How many actions does the
agent, Don, perform? Davidson’s coarse-grained answer is one action “of which four descriptions have been given” (p. 4).
A fine-grained alternative treats A and B as different actions if, in performing them, the agent exemplifies different act-properties (Goldman 1970). On this view, Don performs at least four actions because the act-properties
at issue are distinct. An agent may exemplify any of these act-properties without exemplifying any of the others. (One
may even turn on a light in a room without illuminating the room: the light may be painted black.)"
"Set-theoretical speculations aside, what Fine has drawn attention to is
that the modal criterion is not fine-grained enough to distinguish between
the grounds on which different objects have the essential properties they do.
If we confine ourselves to the formal statement of the essence of a thing –
where by formal is meant the explicit statement, by means of genus and
species, of the thing’s nature such that it distinguishes the thing from every
8 Real Essentialismother thing with a different nature – then we do indeed have a modal
asymmetry between Socrates and singleton Socrates."
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